Our Studio Policy & Fees

We have rules of conduct in our studio to ensure everyone can have a great time creating and interacting with others. Please be aware of the following:

  1. Treat everyone with respect.
  2. Do Not Touch/Handle any work that isn't yours.
  3. Sign all of your work.
  4. Completely clean any area you worked at including: the wedging table, handbuilding tables, extruder, wheels, and sinks.
  5. Wash off all tools, buckets, and equipment you used and put them in the appropriate areas.
  6. Clean out sink traps and sink following clean-up of a station.
  7. Sweep/Mop your area of noticeable clay. Put soiled towels and aprons in the hampers.
  8. A 30-Day absence without contact or arrangements gives The Tilted Kiln ownership of projects and clay; 60-Day absences without contact for tools and equipment.
  9. Parents must accompany any child under the age of 12 in the working studio.
  10. If Owners/Managers of The Tilted Kiln find any kind of inappropriate behavior, abuse, or disrespect of property/equipment/or members, you will be asked to leave.

MEMBERSHIP  (tax included):

Membership at The Tilted Kiln includes use of the open-studio equipment, tools, glazes and social atmosphere! Also included is firing charges, both bisque and glaze, for items created in the studio.  


Under 30 minutes (half hour):      $5

30 - 90 minutes (hour):                   $10

Above 90 minutes (full day):         $20



  • Monthly membership includes a cubbie.



Cubbie rental - $25


KM1218* - $60 ($90 for ∆10)
KM1227 - $90
KM1231PK - $110
* 50% price increase for firing to ∆10 (KM1218 only)


In-Studio Labor:  $80 / hour + parts
On-Site Labor/Travel:  Not Available at this time.


Available on request and discussion with artist  


Deadline:  25th of the month (holidays may alter this date from time to time) **NO ORDER IN DECEMBER**

Payment due at the time of ordering!

Arrival: usually 1st or 2nd week of month